Thursday, December 13, 2007

Disco Sucks, Fuck Everything

What's the point of going on?
Overlooked for the overrated
But we wont hear that talk
Frustration, frustration is all we get
You might think we're finished
We haven't started yet.
Because there's more far more to know
Because our voices must say more
Because these words come fro
m the soul.
This is not a mission
This is not a fucking game.
A burning desire from deep inside
The will, the drive, to keep pushing on.
No matter what may come
No matter what may come.
Hollow trends
Shallow lives

They drag you down.
They try to drag you down
They'll drag you down.
For every hurdle cleared, two takes its place.
For every level reached, they raise the stakes.
What is our inspiration? What is our drive?
To chose our destiny and be in control of our lives.
This is not an image, This is our lives.
This is our inspiration, this is our lives
This is not an image, This is our lives.
This is our inspiration, this is our lives

These would be the lyrics to the song Disco Sucks, Fuck Everything by Sick of it All, a band I greatly admire and respect and the picture depicts guitarist Pete Koller in full flight during what was no doubt a rabid show with singer Lou Koller half in shot. I know for a fact that my man, JB will appreciate this reference (JB being Jonjo; being revealed as I don't really enjoy dealing in any abbreviation for a name except my own and of course, AJG) . Our second set of lyrics comes from the seminal (in my opinion at least; to hell with the doubters) ska-punk band Goldfinger:

What happened to dignity
Did it go away again?

Just like a worn out trend?

Will I still defend emotions?

What happened to honesty?

I don't see it on the Top Ten
I only see it in what has been
Cuz' I still defend devotion

Am I alone?
Don't wanna rest
I don't wanna breathe

When I wanna hear about life

Don't wanna hear a spokesman
I don't wanna test I want to believe
The Goddam
n singer wrote the song
Don't wanna hear a spokesman

What happened to integrity
I don't see it on MTV
All I see is choreography
And I'll never be a dancer

What happened to puberty?
Bad skin and insecurity?
And who the fuck is Felicity?
'Cuz I got problems of my own
Am I alone?

Obviously, the full length song entails a refrain of the chorus and stuff, but that shouldn't detract from the lyrics or the fact that this band was responsible in a huge way for setting me on my path to vegetarianism. RE: Show in Sheffield where they signed everything given to them, including copies of a CD containing their song Free Me to some horrific visuals of animals being slaughtered. But I digress...

What is it exactly that the two songs' lyrics have in common? Let me help you out; not a whole heap. Instead they refer more to my state of mind today when I went to someplace to which I don't belong, have never belonged and will never belong. These songs struck so many chords with me during my entire time at said place that I finally accepted one tiny thing — I am NOT averse to change, but change is something I will only allow myself to entertain IF I am ready. And as sure as I am that grass is green and sycophants are morons, I am sure that I am NOT ready to dance like a moron at a blooming ball of all things.

Being called a musical fascist is de rigeuer (regular readers will recognise my fondness for the phrase) for someone as horrifically possessive about his/her music and vehement about his/her love for it as I am. Sure, there are tons of people who can enjoy all sorts of music. I am not one of them and of this fact I am immensely proud. Certain circumstances beyond my control brought me to an avenue and arena where I could appreciate music that kicks me in the teeth and now, ten years on, I love it to death.

That fact and certain other realisations make me feel like an absolute moron for having inflicted this moronic ball upon myself. On a different, yet oddly related note, I bring this unashamedly pointless rant to a close by saying, "Just as every film comes to a close with its final flickering images; just as every song winds down and phases out with its last guitar whine and just as every trend dies a painful death with its purveyors branded as "so last year", so too is this the very end and the very last time." You know who you are.


Jonjo said...

Ok, I get it. I can read between the lines. I'll never make you attend another gay night. All you had to do was ask.

I was disappointed to see that missed out the first line from "Disco Sucks..." which if I remember correctly is "AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!” I don't think I've used enough exclamation marks to accurately represent the truly monstrous nature of Lou Koller's vocals, but then all the exclamation marks in the world wouldn't really do him justice. They say great minds think alike and the same must be true of average to poor minds because "Disco Sucks..." is the exact same song that runs through my head when I'm forced to listen to some mind numbing crap. It makes me feel a whole lot better that whilst the huddled masses are bobbing their heads to the latest ejaculation from Johnny Bigtime of The Music Industry Incorporated I'm in my special place hurling my limbs into a wall of death.

Anonymous said...

not much for me to add really...i used to hate certain kinds of music, but then i heard some songs that brought me round...

i now consider myself almost eclectic in my music tastes...but ska still sucks.

also, your thing at the end...not all songs wind down, the grateful dead used to play whole sets where one song became another continuously. so there.