Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I love the Internet!

And why not? I'm sure you do as well, gentle reader.

Ignoring the plethora of information - pornographic or otherwise - available on said tool for worldwide info sharing, you've gotta love the ability to say anything you want and get away with it online. After all, where else are you guaranteed the anonymity and utter transparency to type utter shit about anyone and anything under the sun and escape scot free. Away from consequences, whether they be a fist in the face or a lawsuit.

You can be the most cowardly, two-faced son of a bitch on the face of this planet, who goes yellow and starts shaking in his/her little booties in meatspace and come off as the most bad-ass trash-talking son of a gun online. It's true! But, you don't believe me, do you? Step onto a marvellous little website known as Orkut and see for yourself. You will see a smorgasbord of opinion and cyberwaste that no one really gives a monkey's about. Honestly. Half the halfwits (so does that make them quarterwits then? *titter titter*) turn into the Internet equivalents of Rambo on said website and spout off on matters far beyond their comprehension.

What's that? Freedom of speech, you say. But let me ask you something, intuitive and alert reader, just how free is your speech if it encroaches on someone else's freedom and sentiments? If I want to declare my hatred for X right now on a public forum, there are n number of other people who will be offended by my proclamation or declaration (whichever you prefer). What then? Freedom to tune out and ignore what other people are saying? Yes, that's the spirit. I'm right, and I always will be, so to hell with anyone who disagrees, because I am right!! Is *that* what freedom of speech means? Give me a break!

As a journalist, I value my words and would hate to see them befouled by bad grammar, syntax, punctuation or presence on a free-for-all mêlée such as those presently inhabiting sites like Orkut. However, as you have no doubt guessed, my rant stems from a deeper place and when I get my hands on these foul-mouthed little cretins in meatspace, you can be certain that I will let them have it... Through words of course, not fists... Never fists...


Anonymous said...

As your attorney, I advise you to get ready those braincells, and come up with something that will be a fitting reply to these malicious Nazi threads, perpetrated by feindish cowards, as you KNOW I am working on that as well!

And don't worry, we won;t cut them up totally, we'll just carve a little Z under each forehead.

sahirr said...

such calculated comprehension.... wow!

Quaint Murmur said...

With your sarcasm and the acerbic tone, you've managed to put out far more about your opinion about the trash-talkers than they could ever have done in their underhand Orkutting ways.

Anonymous said...

first of all im his attorney! so im already suing you for contract breach and getting your little lawyers club card confiscated! no more junior lawyer fun days for you PASTRY!
Aside from this i believe that the morons who use orkut and other such nonsense to "express" themselves are taking a way out that is easy and grants a certain degree of immunity...if you really want to express yourself then you need to put yourself out there alone and not in a group...thats what i think at least..

Anonymous said...

Where did YOU go to law school?

How can you sue me for breach of contract when I haven't entered into a contractual agreement with you?

Ever heard of co-counsel? :D