Monday, April 16, 2007

Stupid Bangalore!!

Yep, it's official... Aerosmith have confirmed a venue and city change from Mumbai to Bangalore for the 2nd of June 2007 show. It would in no way surprise me if I were to find out that the cause for venue change was the asphyxiating red tape that we, the common citizens encounter everyday!
"Yeh form bharo"
"Yahaan jaa kar 100 rupaiye bharo"
"Chalan le kar aao"
... and other assorted bullshit of that sort.

That being said, I wonder how people in oh let's say... Nashville, Tennessee would react if they were to discover that a show was being shifted all the way to New York City? We wouldn't have to find out because no one would actually do something like that!

Does it then become okay to jerk around with Indian fans?

1 comment:

sahirr said...

the other possibel reason could also be the high entertainment tax... n possible security threats...!