Thursday, August 2, 2007

Of self-righteousness and glass stomachs

Before I begin to scratch viciously at the latest irritant to cause me to itch, I would like to direct your attention to the following blog:
The Self Proclaimed Little Indian

Without the shadow of a doubt, the specimen involved in creating and putting up that collection of writing, seems to be doing a thorough job in keeping tabs on the latest news from Kashmir. Additionally, said specimen also seems intent on disseminating information and recommending other reading that visitors to his/her blog can explore. All good so far. There are a number of people — members of non-government organisations, journalists, veterinarians, lawyers etc etc. — who are similarly passionate about causes and do what they can to enlighten people.

And then there are those others — I will widen the net now so as to avoid making that pathetic little indian (no pun intended for that is the aforementioned specimen's moniker) the sole focus of my rant, because quite frankly, he/she doesn't deserve it. The world is packed to the rafters with self-righteous idiots whose heads are rammed so far up their own backside that they would require (and probably already possess) glass stomachs so as to be able to see the world.

What these glass tummies — yes, let's call them 'glass tummies' from this point on — fail to realise is that not everyone sprang out of the womb with full encyclopedic knowledge about everything that the glass tummies expect them to know. So for instance, glass tummy A who enjoys Jean Luc Goddard films expects the entire world to know everything about Goddard — right from the number of appearances he put into his own films to the name of the boy who brought water for Jean-Paul Belmondo on the sets of Breathless. Or take for instance, glass tummy B who runs a pretty little blog and expects everyone to know everything about Kashmir, to have spoken to everyone in Kashmir, to know all the stories of the dead and downtrodden of Kashmir and so on. Where did the process of learning and acquisition of knowledge go? What happened to the concept of an awakening?

This whole air of superiority, of "I know everything and you know squat — you should know everything or you're not worth my time" is not only sickening, but also greatly diminishes the value of their knowledge. Knowledge becomes more valuable when it is shared. It also undergoes a hell of a lot of sharpening, in terms of accuracy when it is subjected to scrutiny AFTER sharing it. So, to the glass tummies of the world, I say, keep your take on the 'knowledge' you claim to possess. No one wants it, especially if it's doled out by the likes of you.

Pleasantly enough, that's killed most of the ire that was percolating inside me and aimed at the glass tummies. All but one, that is. Mr/Miss little indian states on his/her blog that:
" To all bloggers
who disagree with my opinion on this issue,
please voice your opinion, your contradictions on your own blogspage.
Arguing on a comments section simply becomes lost from most readers view."

So basically, your blogspace is some sacred place, where your logic — as twisted, elitist and dicktatorial (typo?) it may seem, is gospel truth and may not be argued against or scrutinised. Symptom of a glass tummy, if I ever saw one. But, your privacy is your own personal choice and I respect that, which is why I dearly hope you can take the time to drag your self-consumed posterior to a new browser, thereby tearing yourself away from your beloved blog and read this.

Next up, said little indian goes on at one point to claim:

"No, I cannot have respect for anyone who can make such an important statement without a fair and balanced assessment or judgement of facts and the truth."
This statement is later followed up by some bull-honkey (God bless the Simpsons) about evidence and how he/she had all this evidence lined up.

What evidence are you talking about? There isn't a shred of evidence on your post, whether statistics or official reports or anything. And let's get one thing nice and clear, there is no fair and balanced assessment in the poppycock you are peddling — that's for damn sure!

My patience wears out and so I'll draw to a close now with this person's ridiculously paranoid and deluded ramblings about propaganda:
"What you write here proves the power of good propaganda. You will never see the truth, for you will never seek the truth you will only believe what you have been told to believe and will not independantly (sic) explore the facts and events of history to form an INFORMED OPINION."

Yes, Zach de la Rocha, preach on! Sadly, apart from sounding like lyrics from a Rage Against the Machine song, you sound like a Michael Moore-esque twit who thinks the whole world is out to wipe you out in your sleep. Why don't you take a cue from your own advice and create an informed opinion of your own, rather than continuing on your "Everything's so messed up! No one but me knows anything and only I understand their pain and it's all your fault" trip. Grow up.

And finally:
"I am sorry, on issues of importance of such severe magnitude, where thousands have been killed, or raped or ethnically cleansed, I do not let emotions cloud my judgement, and I will not even consider “…where the person is coming from, and where his or her emotions stem from"

You are right. I concede. The issue of Kashmir and the unimaginable atrocities being committed there are certainly worrisome. Human right's violations, human exploitation and violent brutality are rife there and in our present political climate (spanning 1947 to date) and for the foreseeable future, there IS no solution to the Kashmir issue. That is where I cease to agree with you. I'm not even going to bother going into your ludicrous "I do not let emotions cloud my judgement" remark or your immature inconsideration for where people are coming from. That's cool — your life, your prejudices.

I will however say this and it is upto you whether you wish to take the message or not:

There is no clear and objective information about the Kashmir region

All info emanating from that area is encoded and sent out by some stakeholder in that region, whether an army official, a victimised resident, a "terrorist", a separatist, a person crying out for independence etc. The point is EVERYONE has their own biases and their own agendas, so there is no way one can claim to possess facts, unless one has actually been on all sides of the equation and looked at Kashmir from all the angles. So you see, little indian, perspective is of paramount importance. Knowing where everyone is coming from is vital to finding an answer to this situation. Crying about propaganda isn't the solution... jackass!


Anonymous said...


Quaint Murmur said...

Simply brilliant.

I wonder if he even realises how idiotic he sounds when he rants to people about their propagandist ways, when he himself seems to terribly opinionated and biased about everything.

I REALLY liked this post of yours because instead of defending yourself like I did, you asked the right questions and made the right points in answer to his silly ones.

And straight to the point too, in your own sweet way :)

Quaint Murmur said...

"The point is EVERYONE has their own biases and their own agendas, so there is no way one can claim to possess facts, unless one has actually been on all sides of the equation and looked at Kashmir from all the angles"

This makes so much sense. The fact that you didn't even need to be there on the trip to understand that says a lot. And the fact that he claims to have studied Kashmir and all its problems, and still doesn't recognise this fact, says a LOT about him.

sahirr said...

yummy yummy yummy.... i got love in my tummy... :-)

Paultera135 said...


Anonymous said...

I've already told you my opinion on the guy...but let me share it with the world...

'so, basically...when you guys said, and this isn't your exact words, that 'people are not paying enough atteniton', you were infact displaying that you are not going to 'independantly explore the facts and events of history to form an INFORMED OPINION''

'which is obvious, because by bemoaning peoples lack of interest we promote even less nterest'

i'm not even angry at this lack of basic reasoning from a man claiming to be a font for the ideal scientific investigative method. what pisses me off is that his straw man shit is leaving his whole argument in tatters...he obviously cares about this shit...but he is afraid to admit that if he didn't care, he wouldn't research,

:end quote:

this is an extract from a conversation KP and I just had... I'm with you man, this 'little indian' guy worries me.

Unknown said...

You confronting to "little Indian" in a way shows that you like to argue without anything to support your arguments.

Since his post maybe against your ideology , you have gone ahead and ridculed him and also not proved anything .

I hope you lear from Little Indian of how to present the facts,instead of Yellow Journalism


Quaint Murmur said...


Maybe you would like to go to the wonderfully sensitive and broadminded 'little indian's page and take a look at the origin of the entire topic, the response to which Karan has framed.

If, in any way you think that he [little indian] does not ridicule or put down anyone else's arguments,ideologies and opinions, because they don't match his own, then I can understand the warped psyche that the two of you share.

Also, please look up what Yellow Journalism means. I don't think it fits ANYWHERE in this context.

If Karan wanted to copy and paste stuff from Human Rights Watch over here, he would have. He's merely expressing an opinion, and it's high time both you and your 'little indian' friend accepted the fact that there is more than one reality, and that posting without figures and numbers does not take away from a person's right to a conflicting opinion.


Unknown said...

Riya ,

Sinve Kashmir used to be my home for 5000 years and since i am living in exile since last 17 years , it gives me an idea of atleast jusding first hand what little Indian has written.

But reading the comment section , i have started to believe that you all have ganged uyp to RAG him.

Thatz unfair. Let us accept that he has written a great MASTER PIECE.

Unknown said...

Riya ,

Before you people write down another nasty ones and break the rule of decency once again , i would like to introduce myself as a person who was born in Kashmir . For 17 years we lived under constant fear and under threat of "Nizam E Mustafa".

Finally in 1990 , few of my neighbors [ Kashmiri Hindus ] were killed and my home bornt to ashes.

We had to flee on jan 19th in the middle of night .

I know quite a bit about Kashmir and how things have changed , for bad or for worse.

If you wish to have a discussion or you want to know the "other" side of the story as what had appeared to you on your picnic, please do contact the people who suffered at the hands of those who have tried to influence you.

I wish you would like to know more

Pawan Durani

[tRiaD] said...

I really love how these are the people who accuse me of spreading propaganda.

Anonymous said...

I little better language would have helped your cause.

Unknown said...

just visit

[tRiaD] said...

I would, but copy+paste bores me to death.
The more pertinent point is that I refuse to give the time of day to fundamentalists and people who preach something and go ahead and propagate the kind of intolerance to other ideas like your cronies and you do; so I'm going to refrain from visiting your site, especially if it's anything like this shite.

Quaint Murmur said...


While you think that anything said against you, that contradicts your viewpoint is untrue and indecent, I have a completely different perspective.

And no, no one on this page or among my friends, intends to 'rag' little indian.

I understand that as a Kashmiri, you know better than us all what Kashmir is like and how much it has changed.

But if you think that your reality is the only one there is, I am sorry, I cannot agree with you.
There are many other Kashmiris, with realities that may differ from your own, but at the end of it all, they are truths that they know, and cannot deny.

Please do not talk on the basis of what 'little indian' has said about me and my posts. I maintain to this day, that I have NOT been influenced by anyone. And I have not taken any sides. I have only tried to understand peoples' perspectives.

If, by doing that, me and my friends are called 'Pakistani Sympathisers'. I detest the term, because it seems to connote a deep distrust of Pakistanis and Muslims, and I do not feel that way about either group. Rules of decency, you say?

And when someone like 'little indian' who prides himself on being so wonderfully broad-minded and anti-propagandist,
uses the term 'Pakistani sympathisers', I don't see how that is being anything other than hateful.

Also, please get this one thing right. There is nothing about the 'little indian' or his work, or his method of attacking, or his ill-used knowledge that I am in awe of.

If anything, I have never felt such disgust that someone can be such a hypocrite and so narrow-minded, completely unwilling to understand a differing stance.

There is nothing wonderful about twisting peoples' words around to demean them.
No, I will NOT accept, or even consider his work a Masterpiece.

Anonymous said...

Ria , I know what Pakistan is ....they made me homeless... I saw how Kashmiris welcomed boys with guns and celebrated when my relatives were killed.

The only difference being that you havent lived that phase to experience it .....i have....

Anonymous said...

Did you friends check that our "little indian " has got an award for his Blog....

Way to go.....

Be a sport....congratulate him ...

[tRiaD] said...

Are you sure he really got an award?
Or is it all just a case of "propaganda" (?)
Don't bother responding, this is merely an example of what is called a tongue-in-cheek remark.

Unknown said...

Triad safe as long as your tongue doesnt get caught in between your teeths....

Anyway ..I wish you to be safe in your homes...for you trust those who made 7 lack of us homeless.....

God Bless

Anonymous said...

I am sure the shiv sena are gonna enjoy reading this blog.

this has been forwarded to them.

Just one question, hmm do you think the people of "azad" kashmir have human rights???

forget democracy lol the entire country does not have any.

[tRiaD] said...

I really think the Shiv Sena have better things to do than to sit and go through my blog, which for the record says nothing about them.

But I'm honoured that you would send them my humble blog. Thank you, granderbharata. I was also unaware that I would become a celebrity in no time and have to answer questions about unrelated topics for the purpose of soundbytes.

I will not be drawn into answering your question however, because then you'll ask me what my definition of 'Azad' Kashmir is. Then you'll tell me that it's incorrect and that I'm a product of propaganda by the man from across the border.

Then I'll be told that I'm ignorant and I'm victimising this country's "freedom fighters" by "ragging" them. Then, you'll receive some award for the hardships you endured at my hands and you'll go on to call me a "Pakistani sympathiser".

And finally, I will be informed that you wish to contact me and discuss something with me.

Save yourself the effort. This topic is over.

Anonymous said...

Ur most welcome Mr Pradhan(I wonder for your sake if thats a marathi name!!!! )

Congrats on your celebrity status.You should throw your friends a party.

Well only time will tell if the sena have better things to do.

Plus hey i may not "agree" with what you have to say.

But seems to me that you dont have the balls to say it.

Fair enough its ur call.

Rashneek said...

I am a Kashmiri myself so I have tried(only tried) to make sense of what this blog tries to say/not say.
I am only suggesting as to why make any issue a personal issue.
Let us debate Kashmir on the basis of history,culture,religion and ethnicity.
Shall we begin

[tRiaD] said...

Thank you for your sane approach, Rashneek sans any sort of chip on your shoulder. But, my post was never about Kashmir per se. It was more to do with not locking oneself up in a room with one's own views and turning hostile on anyone who doesn't buy into them. Be they about which sportsperson is the "best" or whether ketchup is better than mustard or indeed, Kashmir.

I would not be qualified to debate with you about the history, culture, religion or ethnicity of the region, for I simply haven't delved into the topic sufficiently to be able to talk authoritatively about it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Very good post. I guess I am three months late joining the discussion. That Pawan guy calls me a paid foreign agent in his article! Cant stop laughing my sides hurt. (If only I really got paid)