Friday, June 20, 2008

Joy to the world, the bandwagon crashed!

I'll be honest. I've never been the world's biggest football fan. Ever.
Whether watching the sport, following it, knowing about its intricacies or playing it, it's always been no more than a bit of fun and entertainment. On the topic of actually playing the game; having my feet kicked out from under me and falling face-first in sludgy mud isn't exactly my idea of a good time.

That, isn't however to say that I don't find the sport exhilarating at times. That, also, isn't to say that I don't respect certain nuances of the game. And neither is it to say that I don't have a few teams that I particularly enjoy watching.

It is the last of these three that forms the basis for this particular post. And before you, gentle reader, sigh to yourself, wondering why you are consigning yourself to reading about me spew some claptrap about how much I love a certain team and melodramatically justifying why I identify with them and getting all sentimental about why they form my life blood, I'd like to clarify that this isn't what this post is about. However, you've got some nerve being so presumptuous as to assume that's what I was going to do. Remind me to slap you at some point.

Getting sidetracked again.

Anyway, this post is inspired by the fantastic Euro 2008 game last night, where a lacklustre Portuguese side were taken to the cleaners by an inspired and supercharged (I love that word) German machine. I was pleased by the result, partly because I'd like to see Germany win and Jens Lehmann get that victorious send-off he so craves, at the end of a fine career. Kinda like Imran Khan's send-off at the 1992 Cricket World Cup, where he triumphantly held aloft the trophy as his career came to a close.

The other reason I was pleased so so so much, was because the result appealed to my sadistic side. I cannot possibly count the sheer number of morons I have encountered who for whatever reason (glory-hunting, doing it because it makes them look "cool", because they're bored, because their friends are into it etc etc), believe that supporting Manchester United is the best thing to do. Fair enough, if you like the club, so be it. Each to their own.

My problem is with the hot-topic bandwagon jumpers who will probably possess a United jersey, a Detroit Red Wings jersey, an Australian cricket jersey, an LA Lakers vest (sense a trend?) and so on and so forth. Backing a side because they're winning. Whatever happened to backing the underdog, the no-hoper, the surprise package? (Big respect to Jonjo and his Derby County fixation) But stop. What do the Red Wings have to do with Germany's bruising of Portugal?

The fact of the matter is that most of these faux-United supporters automatically began to jump the Portuguese bandwagon, because, "Cristiano's so cute and he's such a good player... I hope he scores lots of touchdowns!!" (too cynical? maybe). It thrilled me to bits to see their maroon and green bandwagon crash into a masterfully engineered German machine and fall to bits.

But don't worry. I'm not entirely stone-hearted. The bandwagoners will get over their pain and suffering. After all, they now have the opportunity to discard their old United jerseys, which don't go with the new jeans they picked up at (Insert trendy clothing outlet name here) and buy brand spanking new Real Madrid ones!! Cool huh?


Anonymous said...

I support Turkey.

Simply because they play a lot like how I do when I'm drunk, pick up tons of cards and still go home trigger happy with a decent score on the board.

Seems like a winning combination. Just ask any Rajasthan Royal team member.


spaghetti blogonese said...

I support Spain.

Simply because they are winning all the time, play like me when I'm sober and still go home paella happy with a decent move played on the chess board.

Seems like a sexy combination. Just ask the chef at my favourite tapas bar who dances the flamenco.


Anonymous said...

As a beleaguered fan of lower league football there are few things more sitisfyingly mirth making than a heavy shower of the proverbial on the heads of fair weather supporters.

I'm pleased Spain won, but I'm sorry you didn't get to see your precious mannschaft lift the cup. It pained me to think of you crying tears of sorrow into the sourest of all sauerkraut.

As far as my favourite subject goes (that's c.ronaldo bashing for anyone who doesn't know) I couldn't help but laugh when I read that the £120,000/week starlet believes he is a slave. I'm sure there are many who can understand his plight. I believe the cotton pickers only received £100,000/week from their 'massers'.

Yours ineptly,
Jonjo x

Anonymous said...

I seem to be late to this shin dig (or hoedown depending on what part of the deep south you are in. However I would like for my views to be heard, this is because KP seemed to beg for them the other week.

Residing in the US of A does limit my ability to watch real football. I can however tune into the on going Farve fiasco at any time I want (thanks ESPN). I was blessed with whitnessing C. Ronaldo's massive defeat and biblical flooding tears aswell as the final match. I share sumjo's hatered of Ronaldo and relish in all of his defeats.

I was unaware of his "slave" status. My heart bleeds to think that he may not be able to afford this months supply of tampons and feminine wipes with his miniscule salary.

On the topic of bandwagon jumpers there has been a huge shift in recent years from people supporting the Yankee's to supporting the Red Sox. However, this seems to be the way the casual sports fan in America works. The Bo' Sawx are the jewel of baseball over here in the minds of the media so therefore in the minds of out of the know sports fans the only way they can be seen as a knowledgable sports fan is by wearing the champions jearsey or lid (America's latest word for hat). I feel the fault is that of the media and America's unhealthy obsession with victory. Jonio would be seen as a douche bag over here for not supporting the best team.

Anonymous said...

Update please?

Anonymous said...

Boooo! Write something else you bum!

Anonymous said...

Boooo! Write something else you bum!